Yes, you read right. That is indeed a sweet squash pie. Ain’t she a beauty ; ) She’s not just a pretty face. Oh no! She’ll knock your socks off with her complex deep flavors. A buttery, flaky crust filled with honey bathed squash, surrounded by a custard like blanket. I’ll let that settle in for a minute ; ) You start with a beautiful butternut squash. You know that ginormous odd shaped squash you see at the market that has the most amazing colored flesh inside. You’ll give it a good peel, remove the seeds and cube it up. Bite size cubes, you do after all want it to fit into your mouth ; )
Prepping the squash is going to be the hardest part of the recipe. And that’s not really hard ; ) Then you’ll cook it up with a few spoonfuls of honey. You’ll want to use the good honey! You know it’s worth it! While the squash is infusing itself with the honey you’ll whisk together the cream, eggs, sugar and cornstarch. Easy enough, right?
Now you certainly could make your own pie crust. Bonus points if you do ; ) But I like to keep things simple so I use a refrigerated pie crust {no judging LOL} To make this pie, I used a tart pan, if you don’t have one, no worries, just use a regular pie pan. I love how beautifully the pie just pops out of the mold {thank goodness for cooking spray} and shows off it’s curvy crust!
Once you’ve placed the crust into the pan all you’ll do is pour the mixture in. You’ll probably need to do a little primping. Yes, I said primping. The squash can get a little catawampus during pouring. Just take your spoon, fork, or hey even your finger and spread them evenly throughout.
It’s going to look like one of those beautiful colorful mosaic round cafe tables at this point. Finish it off with a sprinkling of sliced almonds and then a shower of powdered sugar. And then the hard part, waiting the 25 minutes or so for it to bake…as impatient as I am, I can say with confidence that it’s well worth the wait!
So tell me, have you ever had a sweet squash pie?
Sweet Squash Pie
Sweet Squash Pie
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1 butternut squash - peeled, seeded and cubed
- 2 eggs
- 3 tablespoons corn starch
- 5 tablespoons sugar
- 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1 refrigerated pie crust
- 1/3 cup sliced almonds
- powdered sugar
- Place honey into a deep sided sauce pan and heat over medium heat. Add cubed squash and cook for approximately 10 minutes. Stirring frequently.
- Preheat oven to 395 degrees.
- WHILE squash is cooking, into a bowl whisk together: eggs, corn starch, sugar and heavy whipping cream.
- When squash has finished cooking, pour cream mixture over squash.
- Spray a 10" tart pan with cooking spray. Carefully mold pie crust into tart pan.
- Pour squash mixture into pie crust. Using a spoon, be sure squash is evenly distributed.
- Sprinkle almonds on top and dust with a sprinkling of powdered sugar.
- Bake for approximately 25-30 or until mixture sets up. Allow to cool prior to slicing.
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Wenderly says
I must say “no” I have never had a sweet squash pie, but Oooooh that just sounds *heavenly*! It won’t be long before I will though! 🙂
Paula says
Thank you sweet Wenderly!xoxo
Paul Jennette says
I too must say “no” Never. But this looks absolutely delicious, and I’m glad we can use a pre made pie crust, I lack in the baking skills department. Loving the squash and honey combo. Paula I think you have the best photos out here, can I dare ask what kind of camera and lens you use?? And do you have any tips for a newbie??
Paula says
Thanks so much Paul! You just made my day. That’s incredibly kind of you, I still think I have a LONG way to go but I appreciate you saying that. I shoot with a Canon Rebel and use a 50mm lens for food shots.
Heather (Heather's Dish) says
this is such a stunning pie! and seriously, no judgment on the premade pie crust…the homemade kind is a BEAST!
Paula says
I like that, “beast” is right ; ) Thanks Heather!
Maria says
Absolutely beautiful! Nice work Paula!
Paula says
Thank you Maria! The pie made it easy. Such vibrant colors & flavors!
Shaina says
So pretty!
Paula says
Thank you Shaina! I’m pretty enamored with this pie too!
Amelia from Z Tasty Life says
che meravigliaaaaaa!!! le mandorle sono un extra tocco speciale. Questa torta e’ perfetta per le vacanze.
Paula says
Grazie Cara! Adoro le mandorle! E’ {come sempre} hai ragione, sara perfetto per le vacanze! Baci e buon weekend!
Ethan says
A pretty face, a great personality and curvy, this has got it all:)
Lora @cakeduchess says
Lol.Ethan e’ mitico! This looks wonderful! Nothing wrong with a ready made crust. I happen to have some butternut squash and want to try this out this weekend;)
Paula says
Grazie Cara! Hai ragione, Ethan e’ mitico! Fammi sapere come ti piace! Stai bene! Baci e buon we!
Paula says
Lurve it! You have such a way with words bello Nutella! This pie is all that and then some {if I say so myself LOL}
Nisrine | Dinners & Dreams says
The color of the squash looks gorgeous as does the whole pie. I’m drooling…
Paula says
Thanks Nisrine! I’m smitten with it too!
Daydreamer Desserts says
What a gorgeous pie, I’ve never had it before… must change that ASAP!
Paula says
Thank you Josie! I think you’d LOVE it!
Renata says
OMG! This is a piece of heaven on a plate!
Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen says
Well, I’ve had pumpkin pie and even sweet potato pie, but I must say I have never had butternut squash pie! I adore your description – “honey bathed squash, surrounded by a custard like blanket” – heavenly!
marla {family fresh cooking} says
You did say “honey bathed squash??!!” I am diving in with both feet & my fork. Looks wonderful Paula!
Suzanne says
Looks fabulous and your description is quite enticing. I believe I’m just going to have to make one of my very own!
Leah says
Ooh this looks delicious! What do you think about adding some spices? Maybe some nutmeg and cinnamon?
Paula says
Hey Leah, I think those would be lovely additions!
The Food Hunter says
Sounds good..I’d try it!
Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction says
Oh my goodness! I’m a bit late to the game here, but that pie looks incredible. Love it!
Meghan@travelwinedine says
Gorgeous! I should not have read this on an empty stomach!
Mark Niemeyer says
Not only does it look delicious, but it was. Thanks for sharing a new way to eat my veggies. I can have dessert every nite now. Last season it seemed squash is the only thing that did well in the garden and now I have another favorite recipe.
Rachel Cooks says
This is gorgeous, Paula! Sounds so delicious, love the honey!