In case you didn’t know, It’s CARNEVALE time! Carnevale started on Feb 6th this year and runs through Feb 16th! Carnevale is truly an experience, and I think everyone should experience it at least once in their lives – in VENICE (Italy, Not CA) of course!
I was fortunate enough to live only about 1 hours train ride from Venice when in lived in Friuli and went to Carnevale many times. Each time was more incredible than the last. They have parades, balls (yes masquerade of course), music, parties, you name it. There’s as much confetti flying everywhere as there are pigeons. It’s quite a party. A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale (anything goes at Carnevale)!
Photo Credit : “Alaskan Dude”
The people, the costumes (nothing like the Halloween costumes you might be used to seeing here, no these are WOW really WOW) & masks (maschere) are super important. You can find very inexpensive ones or super duper elaborate ones that could cost you a fortune, I’m talking an arm & a leg! And did I mention the food? Ah, the FOOD! There are certain foods that you could only find during Carnevale and for me CROSTOLI was the one I liked the best!
As with many things in Italy, they’re called by different names in different regions. You might have heard them called: galani, chiacchere or cenci. But being partial to my beloved Friuli, Crostoli is I think, the best name ; ) tee hee
So are you wondering what this Crostoli is I’ve been raving about? Well, it’s a sweet dough strip, that has hints of lemon & grappa (oh yeah baby) that has been fried and then doused with powdered sugar. What’s not to love! For me it’s a food memory that’s hard to beat! I practically ate the entire plate of them when I made them to share with you! How I only wish I could find my Carnevale masks. Boo hiss, I’m guessing they’re packed away safely somewhere in my parents attic, along with the rest of my childhood memorabilia LOL.
So go ahead, put a mask on, whip up a batch of Crostoli & celebrate Carnevale!
What you’ll need:
400 g all purpose flour
70 g unsalted butter – melted
50 g sugar
1o ounces Grappa
zest of 1 lemon
2 eggs
vegetable or canola oil (to fry)
What to do:
1. Into your stand mixer bowl add: eggs, sugar and melted butter. Mix well to combine. Add lemon zest, grappa. Mix to combine. Add salt and GRADUALLY add flour.
2. Transfer dough to your working surface and knead until dough is at a nice silky consistency. Cut your dough ball into 4 equal pieces. Place 1 piece onto your work surface and cover the remaining pieces with a kitchen towel.
3. Place enough oil into a deep sided dish to fry your Crostoli (approx 2″). Heat oil to 350 degrees. WHILE oil is heating up, roll out your dough to a thin layer. Using your pastry wheel, cut the dough into rectangles and then using the pastry wheel, place a small slit down the middle of each rectangle. Continue until all of your dough is rolled out and cut.
4. When oil is hot, fry your strips of dough. Careful not to crowd the pan. Remember to monitor the temperature of your oil. You’ll need to do this in batches. When strips are golden, transfer them to a plate lined with paper towels. While still hot sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Continue until all pieces are done.
Buon Appetito!
Ciaochowlinda says
Crostoli are one of my favorites. What a great excuse to eat them now that Carnevale is here. There’s nothing like being in Venice at this time of year. The costumes and masks really are unbelievable!
Sook @ My Fabulous Recipes says
Oh those look amazing! I want one!
wic says
it looks delicious. but since I am German and my kids today and tomorrow will have the say ( they have pistols so poor old me must do everything they want) we will bake Berliner, Krapfen and Apple-Donuts.
happy Fasching (Carnevale)
Rachel J says
My Brazilian co-worker/friend and I have been dancing in the office to celebrate Carnevale, but I like your idea much much better! Fried and sugared dough = scrumptious!
Diana @ A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa says
Paula, what a great festival. Thanks for sharing this. I really had no idea that Carnivale was celebrated in Italy, (blush..) How much fun it would be to experience this first hand. I’ll have to try these crostoli!
Sinful Southern Sweets says
I have heard Carnivale is certainly something to experience! These little strips looks wonderfully delicious!!
Maria says
What a fun way to celebrate. Yum!
mara says
Boy! do I miss carnevale, I always cherish my teen years in Rome, Italy, The costumes, the food and the parties. Carnevale is definitly one of my favorite time of year to spend in Italy. In Rome, we call crestoli : “Frappe”
another traditonal carnevale sweet are Le Castagnole a sweet dough made with anise liquor fried and covered with powdered sugar. I recall many pasticcceria’s ( bakery) in Italy would make le castagnole filled with the traditional crema pasticceria( pastry cream) me and my friends use to eat a whole dozen in less than 5 minutes. Yummy Yum!! Yummy memories
Fuji mama says
Ooooh, I say we plan a trip to Carnevale NOW! 🙂 These sound so good…what’s with me and fried food lately? Hehehehehe…
A Bowl Of Mush says
Oh wow, these look amazing!! Yum!
Rhonda says
What better way to celebrate, masks and crostoli, elegant and simply delicious.
Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction says
Yum… these look absolutely beautiful!
:D'anne says
I really can’t wait to try these, just in case you didn’t see the “Tasty Kitchen” review!
Kurious Kitteh says
Mmm, those look absolutely scrumptious!
my spatula says
i could eat these every day!! yummmmmm.
MommyB says
Wow this “dish” looks amazingly yummy!! Dunno how you do it lady!
lisa says
my italian-by-marriage-now-divorced auntie made this for us when we were kids! i’m getting hungry just looking at the pics!
Diana Liford says
While growing up, we lived up the street from a wonderful Italian woman, who owned the confectionery on the corner, and was raising 4 boys while my own mother was raising 4 girls. Sadly, the boys were all about 3 years older than us girls, but they were still gorgeous, and every year for our respective birthdays, the one closest to the birthday girl’s age, would help his mother make this delicious delicacy, as a gift and then deliver it himself, in a white pastry box, tied with a silk ribbon from their mother’s homeland. I have been looking for these “cookies” for almost 45 years, as they’re burned into my memory, right along with that sweet woman, and her Oh, so handsome boys, lol……Thank you